To start, tap or click on the yellow or red ball in the left side of the screen. Move the blue ball to repulse the balls in motion by moving your mouse or your finger on a touch screen.
You collect points when ...
you repulse a ball
the yellow and red ball collide
a ball touches a red target
You lose points when ...
a ball touches a black target
a ball touches the bottom boundary
Shields prevents the game from stopping when a ball touches the bottom boundary, you lose one shield instead and points/shields points. Collect them by striking them with a ball when they appear.
The more shields you have the less points you lose.
The game starts with three shields.
Other information.
Lens shrink/enlarge the balls when touched to make it harder.
Blue squared obstacles randomly appear to challenge your skills.
The second ball is locked until you collect 500 points. Once collected the second ball is permanently unlocked.
The points you collect when repulsing a ball or when other balls strike are multiplied by the game speed.
Hitting a black target will stop the game if your score drops under zero.
You can turn on/off sound effects and background music.
Practice mode.
Enable or disable it with the bottom left button. All game functionality is on but your score is not saved.
Time challenge mode.
Pressing the play button will start the game and the speed will automatically increase, step by step, to maximum.
In this mode you also collect bonus points related to the time your game lasts.
ENJOY your self with elastic collisions simulation.
Game Options
Game Mode Normal
Speed control Manual
Tracks Naked
Track shift Manual
Screen FullScreen
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Data cannot be saved in your local storage.
If you are using a tablet or a mobile device add this app to your home screen for full functionality.